
Thursday, October 10, 2019

You Are Eating Plastic Every Day: What’s In Our Food? By Danielle Smith-Llera

You Are Eating Plastic Every Day: What’s In Our Food?
By Danielle Smith-Llera
Capstone Press. 2019
Grades 5 and up

You Are Eating Plastic Every Day is a chilling chronicle of how plastic has entered the food chain and our bodies, along with some practical tips on how to get involved and work to be part of the solution.

“People, even vegetarians, consume microscopic pieces of plastic every day. What does it mean for people’s health? And what can you do about it?”

The book is divided into five short, but information packed chapters: Plastic on the Move; Tiny Hazards; Eat Up; Plastic Be Gone; and Precious Plastic. Each chapter contains factual information, side bars and graphs with more details, color, well-captioned photographs that emphasis what is being discussed in the text.

Back matter includes ways to get involved, glossary, additional resources, source notes, selected bibliography, and index.

A chilling reminder of just how interconnected and fragile our planet is and that every decision we make, especially when it comes to our purchases, does have alarming consequences, not only for humans, but all life on the planet. 

Pair this with another book on the same topic by Smith-Llera, Trash Vortex, and Tracking Trash by Loree Griffin Burns, a title in the Scientists in the field series.

The publisher sent me a copy of this book to write this review.

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