Two intrepid librarians

Two intrepid librarians review the best nonfiction books for children

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Plant, Cook, Eat! by Joe Archer and Caroline Craig

Plant, Cook, Eat! : A Children’s Cookbook
By Joe Archer and Caroline Craig
Charlesbridge. 2018
ISBN: 9781580898171
All ages

To write this review, I borrowed this book from my local public library.

Growing your own food can be a rewarding family experience. Children love to watch the magic as the little seeds sprout and grow into a tasty tomato, spinach, or peas. The authors of Plant, Cook, Eat! have put together a very inspiring book about the joys of growing and cooking vegetables. The book is illustrated with color photos that offer inspiration and a visual of what is being explained in the text.

The first part gives double-page tips on all things you need to know to get started. From what plants need to grow, getting tools and equipment, making compost, to deciding whether to have a garden plot or pots on the porch. Part two offers more specific information on each vegetable covered in the book - kale, carrots, peas, onions, lettuce, pole beans, tomatoes, potatoes, spinach, peppers, swiss chard, and zucchini, followed by a yummy recipe. 

Grow peas? Make pea gnocchi. Potatoes? How about potato pancakes? The cooking directions are clear and easy to follow.  Photos show the finished dish. 

Back matter includes further information on vegetable varieties, glossary, and index.
A visual treat, this is a great book to add to your collections, and share with students or families these last few weeks of winter.

About the authors: Joe Archer is the horticulturalist at Kew Gardens in the UK and Caroline Craig is cook and food writer at The Guardian.



  1. I'm so glad to know about this book. Pea gnocchi, who knew?

  2. Hi Jackie -- Lots of mouth-watering recipes that are doable. Can't wait until summer.

  3. Thank you for featuring PLANT, COOK, EAT! : A Children’s Cookbook
    By Joe Archer and Caroline Craig. I just made a request for this cookbook from my library system.

    Suzy Leopold
