by Curtis Manley
illustrated by Jessica Lanan
Roaring Brook Press, 2018
Grades 2-6
The reviewer received a copy of the book from the publisher.
Curtis Manley engages young readers with the narrative of Just Right by posing questions about the solar system and beyond.
"And if there are Earth-like exoplanets, do any of them have life?
And if there is other life, is it like us?"
The informational science picture book then introduces readers to the idea of a "Goldilocks Planet" that is not too hot or cold, not too big or small, and not too soft or hard.
Manley clearly explains to young readers what a planet would need to sustain life as well as how astronomers study exoplanets. The book is just the right amount of science combined with wonder. Lanan's watercolor illustrations capture the story from a young girl's point of view. Don't miss the detailed timelines on the endpapers.
Just Right is the kind of book that will inspire learners to read more about the topic and dream of someday studying the planets or traveling into space. Add it to your elementary school and public library collections.
Visit the publisher's site to view pages from the book.
I'm really excited to read Curtis's book! It looks wonderful! Love that cover!