Two intrepid librarians

Two intrepid librarians review the best nonfiction books for children

Monday, October 21, 2019

We Are The Change: Words of Inspiration From Civil Rights Leaders

We Are The Change: Words of Inspiration From Civil Rights Leaders
Chronicle Books. 2019
All ages.

To honor the American Civil Liberties Union’s work to guard the rights of all Americans under the law, sixteen acclaimed and award winning children’s book artists have illustrated the words of fifteen past and present civil rights leaders and activists.

Explore this illustrious book highlighting some of the most influential figures in the historical fight for equality and justice.” by Harry Belafonte. 

Activists include: Queen Lili’uokalani, Frederick Douglass, John Lewis, Maya Angelou, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt, Gwendolyn Brooks, Sonia Sotomayor, Dolores Huerta, W. E. B. Du Bois, E. B. White, Khalil Gibran, Nina Simone, Helen Keller, and Barack Obama.  

Illustrators are: Emily Hughes, Lisa Congdon, Dan Santat, Sean Qualls, Brian Pinkney, Molly Idle, Juana Medina, John Parra, Raúl the Third, Greg Pizzoli, Selina Aiko, Melissa Sweet, Innosanto Nagara, Sahara Strickland, Alina Chau, and Christopher Silas Neal.

Each quote includes a brief explanation by the artist on why that particular activities inspired them. 

Very moving is the quote by John Lewis, illustrated by Dan Santat. Four individuals, both black and white, are standing in a voting booth (see cover).  Lewis’ quote says: “We may not have chosen the time, but the time has chosen us.” 

Social activist, Harry Belafonte gives a stirring introduction that “ties the work of the featured leaders to the ideals of the Constitution, and encourages future leaders to learn from those who have gone before.”

We Are The Change both visually stunning and inspirational. 

To write this review, the publisher sent me a copy.

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