Two intrepid librarians

Two intrepid librarians review the best nonfiction books for children

Monday, September 17, 2012

2012 CYBILS Judging

We are thrilled to announce that both of us will serve as judges for the 2012 Children's and Young Adult Literary Bloggers' Awards (CYBILS). Louise will be a first round judge for the middle grade and young adult nonfiction category, and Cathy will be a first round judge for book apps category

Be sure to visit the CYBILS web site between October 1-15 to nominate your favorite titles.


  1. Hello & nice to meet you from a fellow book app judge! I don't follow any non-fiction blogs so was very pleased to find & follow your blog as i could do with some recommendations in that area.

  2. Yeah, good for you guys! Have fun with the judging!
