Text by Jennifer Swanson
Reycraft Books. An imprint of Newmark Learning. 2022
Swanson’s engaging informational picture book explores the many shapes and sizes of footprints. Large and small, from elephants to those who barely leave any imprint at all (flies), “every footprint leaves a mark on the Earth telling a story of the past, the present, or the future.”
The mix of color and black&white photos offer a visual clue as to what the text is saying.
“Footprints reveal our past” has a double-page photo of a T Rex.
“And give us a glimpse of the future.” is the Mars Rover.
“Footprints represent people who stood up for change” Rosa Parks, RBG, @ellestreetart, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
“And those who strive to follow them” : Young climate change activities, including Greta Thunberg.
A visual glossary is included.
Footprints Across the Planet is powerful and remind us that all our actions have a reaction.
Swanson, an award-winning author and STEM/STEAM advocate, leaves us with this final question:
“What type of mark will you leave behind?”
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