Written by Bernie Sanders; Illustrations by Jude Buffum
GodwinBooks. an Imprint of Henry Holt. 2017
Grade 6 and up
I know this book is a couple of years old (2017), but as we approach another presidential election cycle, it seems like the perfect book to include in any displays on voting.
This book delves into the major issues facing our country today and gives a passionate argument that supports embracing change for each topic. From livable wage, tax reform, health care for all, making higher education affordable, combating climate change to reforming our criminal justice system and immigration reform. Buffum’s black and white illustrations give a visual explanation of what is Bernie is explaining in the text.
I found the last chapter, What Is “Government,” Anyway? very interesting. I did not know that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in their World Factbook describes thirty-one different forms of government around the globe. “Most are variations of the eight major types (autocracy, communism, democracy, monarchy, oligarchy, socialism, theocracy, and totalitarianism.” Bernie gives a brief explanation of each of the above and ends with what it means to live in a democracy.
Politics is the hot topic with middle and high school students lately. Since we do spend a lot of time teaching students to check where they get their information when it comes from the Internet, offering Bernie’s Guide to Political Revolution will give them a leg up when it comes to understanding just what the progressive platform is all about.
I borrowed this book from my local public library to write this review.
Click here to listen to why Bernie wrote this book.
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