Two intrepid librarians

Two intrepid librarians review the best nonfiction books for children

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Superlative Birds- Blog Tour

Superlative Birds
by Leslie Bulion
illustrated by Robert Meganck
Peachtree, 2019
Grades K-6

We are pleased to take part in the Superlative Birds blog tour today!

What better way to introduce children to the special features of birds than through poetry? Superlative Birds incorporates facts about birds and their unique traits into poetic form. Each poem just begs to be read aloud.

Eighteen different birds with special traits are featured in the informational picture book including the peregrine falcon (fastest), barn owl (most accurate hearing), red-billed quells (most numerous), and northern jacana (longest toes). A science note written in expository form accompanies each poem and provides readers with more details about the bird and its features. Meganck's digital, cartoon-style illustrations add a sense of whimsy and humor to the subject. Don't skip the back matter; that's where Bulion includes information about the poetry styles used in the poems for each bird.

If you're looking for a new book to add to your Poetry Month read aloud repertoire, you should pick up a copy of Superlative Birds today!


  1. Love the frank gazes of all those birds. The cover begs to be opened. Looking forward to finding and reading this one. Thanks for the rec!

  2. Can't remember if I've already responded here, so sorry if you get this twice! I attended Leslie's informative session on poetry and science at NCTE & was excited to learn about Superlative Birds. This bird nerd is very happy to have her own copy :). It's wonderful!
